SIP panels drawings configurator

SIP panel drawings and itemised materials in real time, complete with dimensions and factory drawings export to PDF

Design and factory views

You can easily switch between design and factory views, allowing you to see how your designs will look in the manufacturing process. This means you can make adjustments on the fly and ensure that your garden room is designed efficiently.


Additionally, you can switch between different layers of the factory drawing to have a better understanding of the construction details.

Cost calculation

The automatic price calculation feature eliminates the need for manual calculations and allows you to focus on creating the perfect design for your needs. Additionally, being able to provide a detailed quotation to your clients at the time of design, it helps to close more deals as clients can have a clear understanding of the cost and make quicker decisions.

Order-to-delivery time

Perhaps the most significant benefit of using this tool is the reduction in order-to-delivery time. By streamlining the design and ordering process, you can take the guesswork out of the manufacturing process, resulting in more efficient and accurate orders. This gives you a competitive edge in the market, as you can deliver garden rooms to your clients faster than your competitors.
